Killerton - December 2021
Following the November updates, I received a few comments that I thought people might be interested in seeing and that might close the year nicely.
First, Peter Cloke passed on some photos taken at Killerton recently from “The Killerton Christmas Light Show” all with musical accompaniment of the Nutcracker suite ( Online booking is available if you are in the area).
Here are some of the Photos that Peter sent.
On the topic of the budget wine list available for Christmas Dinners and other social functions raised in the last newsletter, Roger Heard was reminded of the delights of Don Cortez (the pips and grape skins were still included) and Corrida. Ah memories of hangovers long past
Adrian Wotton has enjoyed a few moments respite from the challenges of farm management to recall a teaching practice experience, whilst embarrassing and a story I would normally anonymise of the pages of the website, I felt I ought to share, this being the season of sharing:
“My second TP was Truro County Secondary School for Boys, right in the middle of town. Every Friday I went with the head of PE (Dave Martin I think) to the local swimming pool for 1st year swimming lessons. One day he had all the boys line up because of the disgusting smell emanating from someone’s feet. Despite careful inspection he couldn’t identify the culprit - do you know how smelly PE socks worn for a whole week can be when on TP with no laundry? access? I’m ashamed to this day that I didn’t put my hand up and admit my guilt!”
I'm afraid I was at a loss for a suitable image for that. There are a few more teaching practice stories on the website in the “Killertonions - Then and Now” section.
I received a note from Malcolm Carlyon. It provide much information that I will add to the website at some point (when I find time in my busy retirement schedule). I felt much of it will be of interest to many so, again, I include it here in full:
By chance, the other evening my wife came across the Killerton website, and before long noticed my name in a long list of dubious characters. Having examined the website myself I feel I could offer some memories of my own, and expand the list of names from my memory banks, whilst I can.
My introductory day at Killerton I felt replicated the opening scenes of 'The Great Escape '. The major difference was a welcoming cup of coffee served by the lovely Diane Bond. The first week was to end in spectacular fashion however.
I notice that a zoom meeting of the 19th May referred to a Chris Davies road crash in which he sent Hayden Donovan through the windscreen. I'm afraid that statement is incorrect. I know, because I was in that brand new Vauxhall Viva returning from Bradninch, sitting directly behind Hayden, and it was me who sent him on his way, dislocating my knee in the process. Andy Clark was the other passenger in the car and it was a miracle we all got out alive.
There are countless other stories to relate to over the two years I spent at Killerton. Watching 'Dickie ' Acland beating allcomers on the squash court, even in his 60's, also accompanying Walford Davies 'Solemn Melody ' playing the hosepipe as opposed to the cello. Various Killerton Hops, occasional visits to Rolle, and not forgetting mindnight jaunts to the Black Horse transport cafe on the A30 for a greasy egg and chips.
There are also some names missing from the lists already supplied. I cannot guarantee which year they are from (1964- 1967): Tony Brown, Bruce Grant, Lewis Kent, Nigel Bond (sadly died 1967)
I am pleased to offer a couple of sporting photographs capturing some of the characters of this particular era.
The soccer one is of a local inter-Killerton match. On the left is goalkeeper Bruce Grant, I am in the centre with the ball, and speeding in on the right is Frank Curnow. Dave Bowen is "running the line ", in front of him is Tony Brown. I think Warwick Francis and Dave McNeil also feature, but its been a long time.
The rugby team is from late 1967 or early 1968 and the opposition that day was Rolle.
Back row standing from left to right: *, Dai Ford, John Bromage.
Middle row standing from left to right: Bob Windsor, *, Stuart Wimms, Barry Howells, *, Malcolm Carlyon, Hayden Donovan.
Front row squatting, left to right: *, Dave McNeil, Chris Davies (Capt.), Andy Clark, Frank Curnow.
( * denotes name sadly temporarily and embarrassingly forgotten).
Just for information, I notice that the Luke’s Loughborough match is pencilled in for February/March.
A couple of people mentioned the Zoom meetings, or indeed the lack of them. I have to confess that as we came out of full lockdown my own calendar started to fill and I’m afraid I completely forgot about arranging any. However. if there is a demand I can arrange for something in the new year.
A final positive note to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and wonderful NewYear .