Edwin Crowle - English Tutor
Those who studied English at St Luke's will probably remember the esteemed Edwin Crowle (my personal tutor and an exceptional one). He died last summer, at 24 St Leonards Road, down from College Rd. A Cambridge man and academically about the best Luke's had to offer.
Without pretension, he was a leading expert on Elizabethan /Jacobeen poetry and drama (especially Christopher Marlowe) and was one of five sons born to a Cornish dairy farmer.
He knew Pete Cloke's family, also from that part of Cornwall (where?).
He was in his early 90s and is survived by his wife, Marie-Therese and his daughter.
A fine musician, scholar , friend and tutor, and an absolute gentleman.
I fear many of the students failed to recognize his exceptional qualities and quiet kindness.
Charles Fear