Invitation to Interview - Dai Griffiths


I did not have a clue what to expect. I did no preparation whatsoever. I was very naive.

The journey from Milford to Exeter was a nightmare. We travelled to Plymouth [my dad drove] and stayed the night at my uncle's. We nearly didn't get through Whitland due to floods. The gales were taking the car and there was debris on most of the roads [no motorway then].


We eventually arived at my uncle's local near the dockyard for darts pasties and cider.

The following day at Exeter, the first thing I had to do at interview was write about my journey to the College and I believe the lecturer was impressed by my [our] efforts to get there.

The gym tests were the usual jumps/dips/pressups.

There are 4 reasons why I think I was successful in gaining a place .

1. The essay I wrote,

2.  I was naturally very fit.

3. The reference I had from Lord Parry of Neyland

4.  The lecturer struggled to understand my Pembrokeshire accent and thought I was educated at Millfield, not Milford !


A copy of the letter inviting me to interview