The Room 16 Tea Tray - a Tray of Memories
David Banks
David Banks has just sent through these photos of a couple of pieces of memoraboilia rescued when Killerton "closed" in 1977.
The first is a tray "signed" by the proctors who resided in Room 16 on Budwing. The inscription(s) read:
Presented by D Hampson | 1964-67 | |
To J Pountain |
1965 -68 | |
M Cronshaw |
1966 -69 | |
A Gordon |
1967-70 | |
A Lubanski |
1968-71 | |
R H Dickson |
1969-72 | |
P A Nation | 1970-73 | |
Chris Heaume | 1971-74 | |
Rog Shipp | 1972-75 | |
Ade Wotton | 1973-76 | |
Dave Banks | 1974-77 |
The other item is a (very clean and well loved and well polished) bell.
Apparently in Killerton times it was used in the bar for calling time (not that anyone took any notice of such things!).
The original source of the bell is unkown - perhaps someone out there knows otherwise.